Thursday, December 4, 2014

MIX IN KEY - DJs, Get Your Free Key-Mix Program And Camelot Harmonic Mix Matrix!!!

Curated by M Jvlian Simmons
Click Icon to Download Keyfinder program

If you haven't already guessed, key estimation programs like Mixed In Key cost up to $60.

Many just don't have that kind of money to shell out just for a program to put music in a particular order; I don't care how potentially useful it is!

Allow us to introduce a STARSH!P approved alternative, Keyfinder, an open-source (free) solution for DJ's everywhere!

Simple, and to-the-point, just drag your audio into the gigantic space that says so, and then press "run batch analysis"-
..voila; all your mix music now has its keys noted in its ID3/metadata section (given certain customizations we'll supply for you as well).

We're also giving out STARSH!P wallpaper(s) featuring the Camelot harmonic mix matrix that helps you to navigate, keep your mix in tune, and manipulate moods/energy (btw, we'll add in more wallpapers as we create them)!

NOTE: Although these programs are free, they aren't cheap to create, so be grateful, and donate to them when you can, thanks!

2014 EDITION - Feel free to save a copy for your own deck's laptop screen!
2017 EDITION - Feel free to save a copy for your own deck's laptop screen!