Wednesday, January 7, 2015

TEXT-TO-SPEECH - This New Voice Synth Will Make You Type "Hallelujah"!

Curated by M Jvlian Simmons

Click to download VoiceMX Studio
In mix media production, sometimes, you need an anonymous voice to announce or as we call it 'tag' your material.

In our cloudcasts, you'll hear them loud and clear peppered throughout, so that the listener will know both who is doing the mix, and by whom is it sponsored/brought.

Sometimes, the person doing the mix doesn't speak well enough to announce, or may not have a microphone to vocalize themselves at the time.

In other instances, one's budget and/or resource pool may not include a trained announcer to read for you every time you have a project to produce.

Everything is where you can easily see it.
This is why we decided to share our solution for vocal synthesis, VoiceMX Studio.

Very simple, elegant, user-friendly, and most importantly, open-source (free), this program met our audio tagging needs in a snap, and can do so for you too.

Just click their icon above to download it for FREE, and comment, like, and share if this resource has helped you!

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